Finance • empowerment
Homes and Loans
Decoding banks and money
If you want to understand money—especially lending—gain financial knowledge and confidence, you’ve come to the right place.
Not many of us are taught finance, yet we have been making financial decisions since the day we started working—how much to spend and how much to save for a start.
The world of home loans and mortgages has been my world since 2008.
I answer questions and find solutions. I want people to learn more, know more and ask questions.
This website is here for you. Take what you need to fill in the gaps in your financial knowledge.
Invest Some Time Into You…
Home Loans
I know home loans back-to-front. Sometimes lending is difficult but most of the time it just sounds difficult.
I will shed light on all things lending so you can be as informed as you want to be.
Mortgage Brokers
This is what I do. Mortgage brokers have play a key role providing competition, education and enabling better access to lending.
I share some industry know-how to help you on your lending journey.
Being better informed can help you make better decisions.
So make yourself at home, read on and see what you can learn.
Mortgage stress – Please stop using the 30% repayment ratio
Why are we told we are in mortgage stress because of one number – the 30% income to repayment ratio?